Global financial giant draws on UNH to recruit career professionals

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
UNH student interns at Fidelity

Fidelity Investments in Merrimack, New Hampshire, hires more interns from UNH than any other college or university. Left to right: Sarah Sullivan ’14, associate systems analysis; David San Antonio ’16, a technical intern; Mark Leonard (standing), Workplace Investing的参与者服务高级副总裁兼总经理,也是Merrimack的共同区域领导者, and Trevor Sonovick ’15, financial representative.

When one of the world’s leading investment firms goes looking for new talent, you can bet there’s a long line of eager college grads at hand, boasting high GPAs, polished resumes and head-turning references. And with roughly $5 trillion under administration, and more than 24 million customers, Fidelity can set a lofty bar for its new hires.

Even among summer interns, Fidelity managers look beyond resumes for intangible qualities like integrity, responsibility and problem solving abilities. Activities such as volunteer work, 社区服务和研究项目——尤其是那些发现学生作为一个小组的一部分解决挑战的项目——都可以很好地反映出他们的性格, and a good fit for the Fidelity team.

“In our world, trust is everything,” says Mark Leonard, a senior vice president and general manager at Fidelity, which employs 5,400 people in New Hampshire alone. “People are trusting us, in many cases, with their life savings. We need to recruit people whom our customers can trust. People with good communication skills. Detail-oriented people. People who work well in a team and who are focused on solutions.”

UNH students and graduates do well on that score.

Of the 131 interns Fidelity employs in Merrimack this summer, 25名是UNH的学生,这是今年夏天在50多所学院和大学中实习人数最多的, and the most ever for UNH.

富达的实习生被用作毕业后获得全职工作机会的渠道, 包括一些在大学四年级开始就得到工作的人.

“在大学的最后一年,你已经找到了一份好工作,还有什么比这更好的呢??” says Jason Whitney, UNH’s coordinator of internships and employer relations. “我们告诉学生,他们可以把实习看作是为期三个月的求职面试. And in many cases, they actually are hired by the companies they intern with.” 

David San Antonio, a UNH senior from Salem, New Hampshire, who is studying computer science, 他说,在富达的实习从一开始就赋予了他重要的职责:重新设计富达的内部统计网络应用程序, which is used extensively by employees every day. Working with other interns, he served as quality assurance lead and, at times, as project manager and system analyst for a team of interns.

圣安东尼奥说:“我每天都能看到人们是如何使用我们开发的程序的。. “为了能够利用我的技术技能使这些页面看起来和功能更好, “I could see how my work really makes a difference.”

An honors student and Presidential Scholar at UNH, 圣安东尼奥还帮助组织和管理他的汉德勒宿舍的学生活动, and he created UNH Table Tennis, a student organization for players of Ping-Pong. The group meets regularly now to work on technique and play games, creating a network of new friends in the process.

Such extracurricular activities in college, even those that are seemingly small, 能表明一个学生在一门要求很高的课程中取得高分的好品质吗, technical major. 他们培养的人际交往能力也能很好地运用到专业的工作环境中, says Elizabeth Shanely, college relations manager for Fidelity.

近年来,UNH为学生提供的职业发展和规划服务有所增长, 2014年,这项工作被确定为该校六大战略举措之一. The results are impressive. During the 2013-14 academic year, 在前一年,UNH就业中心的学生预约人数增加了20%以上. 参加校内招聘会和实习招聘会的雇主数量也有所增加, from 230 to 283, or 23 percent, during the same period.

UNH student intern at Fidelity

David San Antonio ’16, a technical intern from Salem, New Hampshire, is a UNH senior majoring in computer science.

惠特尼说,雇主们被永利app新版本官网地址为本科生提供与教师导师一对一工作机会的声誉所吸引, 参与200多个学生组织,并通过本科生研究会议进行研究, one of nation’s largest conferences of its kind, with more than 1,300 participants in 2015.

Whitney says it’s not only the quality of the research, 但是团队合作和协作解决问题是这些经历的一部分,这对学生和潜在的雇主来说是非常宝贵的.

“You can have a 3.8 GPA, and that’s great. 但这些公司想要的是你能长期成为什么样的员工,” Whitney says. “Can you talk with people in a professional manner? Are you comfortable managing and overseeing projects? Can you write? Set priorities? Do you challenge yourself, and are you okay working outside your comfort zone? 像富达这样的公司真的很有兴趣找到全面发展的学生,他们可以成为他们未来的下一代领导者.”

Sarah Sullivan, who graduated from UNH in 2014, 是富达的一名学生实习生,在大四的时候被聘为该公司的全职Leap项目. Leap是富达的研究生技术项目,提供6个月的学习, 发展和培训,旨在帮助最近的IT毕业生成为一流的IT专业人士.

“I couldn’t ask for a better post-graduate transition,” Sullivan says.


“Even though Fidelity is a large company, you don’t feel like just another number here,” Sullivan says. “我觉得我每天都在做出贡献,发挥作用……富达真的让我能马上把我的技能发挥出来。.”